Advantages of a Robotic Hysterectomy

A robotic hysterectomy is a precise and safe procedure that uses the latest in medical technology. There are many advantages to robotic hysterectomies as opposed to traditional hysterectomies. Some of them include smaller incisions and quicker recovery time. In this blog, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, at Advanced Endometriosis Center discusses the advantages of a robotic hysterectomy. 

Robotic hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a procedure that removes the uterus. It may also involve removing the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other surrounding structures. Traditionally, hysterectomies required a doctor to make large incisions in your abdomen, and the accuracy was determined solely by the dexterity of the surgeon. 

However, with robot-assisted surgery, the incisions are smaller and the surgery is extremely accurate due to the robotic precision. Dr. Bozdogan uses the industry-standard da Vinci® surgical system, known for its precise control.

Hysterectomies are typically required if you have any of the following conditions:

The advantages

Requires smaller incisions

One of the main advantages of a robotic hysterectomy is that it requires smaller incisions than a traditional hysterectomy. Dr. Bozdogan, who is in full control of the robotic surgery, can use the dexterity and accuracy of the robotic arm to make precise, tiny incisions. Dr. Bozdogan is able to see the surgery site up close through a monitor. 

Quicker recovery time

Since the surgery requires smaller incisions, the recovery time is relatively short. Recovery times can vary from patient to patient, but most patients go home after one night in the hospital. You may experience vaginal bleeding for a few days, and you may continue to feel pain for 3-4 weeks after your surgery. 

Dr. Bozdogan encourages his patients to resume most regular activities as soon as possible, as this can make recovery quicker. However, you should avoid heavy lifting and sexual intercourse for a few weeks following surgery. 

Dr. Bozdogan will give you full instructions on what you should do in the weeks after your surgery as well as what you should eat and wear.

Safer than traditional methods

With robotic-assisted surgery, there’s less damage to soft tissue and less loss of blood than with traditional surgery. This makes the procedure safer and reduces the risk of complications. After the procedure, you should only experience minimal pain and soreness. There will also be less risk of getting an infection due to the smaller incisions.

Robotic-assisted hysterectomies contain fewer risks and complications, but, like any surgery, there is a potential for certain complications, such as blood clots. Before you have surgery, Dr. Bozdogan will go over everything involved in the surgery and any potential complications you need to be aware of.

For more information about robotic-assisted hysterectomies, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today.

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