I Have a "Frozen Pelvis": Is There Any Hope of Getting Pregnant?

Endometriosis affects roughly 1 in 10 women at some point during their lifetime. Of these, 30-50% struggle with infertility, many of them because of “frozen pelvis,” a condition in which reproductive organs and other organs in the abdominal cavity adhere together, causing crippling pain. 

At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan provides leading-edge solutions for our patients with endometriosis and frozen pelvis, helping them overcome infertility issues and achieve their life goals.

Endometriosis and frozen pelvis

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells that normally grow inside the uterus, forming a sheddable lining, start to grow outside the uterus. Since these cells aren’t able to exit through the cervix during menstruation, they adhere to the nearest tissue and form a scar-like mass. Symptoms often include irregular or painful periods. 

Over time, these cells can bind the reproductive organs together, enveloping the ovaries and fallopian tubes, and even connecting to the urinary tract and bowel. The entire interior of the pelvis can become involved, leading to what is known as “frozen pelvis,” causing extreme, chronic pain and infertility.

Treatment for endometriosis-caused infertility

Dr. Bozdogan offers several options for women with infertility due to endometriosis. One option is in-vitro fertilization, which may be ideal if the main problem is endometrial cells around the fallopian tubes. But for more severe cases when the entire pelvis is frozen, this may not be the best option. 

Endometrial cells need estrogen to proliferate, and if there is already massive growth and adhesion, this can increase pain levels. A better option for women with frozen pelvis might be surgical intervention to help restore health to the reproductive organs and return the pelvic cavity to proper functionality. 

Dr. Bozdogan uses the da Vinci® Surgical System to complete this type of surgery. This is a robotics-assisted surgery that allows Dr. Bozdogan to address your endometriosis laparoscopically, through very small incisions. He can separate the organs and excise the endometrial tissue. 

Dr. Bozdogan can accurately diagnose the severity and stage of your endometriosis, and identify if you have frozen pelvis before telling you if surgery is right for you. There is definitely hope that you can get pregnant, assuming there is no other underlying cause of your infertility and that surgery is able to restore your reproductive system to health. 

To learn more or for a consultation, call us today to make an appointment at either our Manhattan, New York, or Hackensack, New Jersey, location. Or request an appointment using our online tool.

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