Life After a Hysterectomy

Undergoing a hysterectomy is a life-changing event and one that may hold the key to restoring your quality of life. As with any surgery of this kind, there are both short- and long-term consequences, and preparing yourself is always a good idea.

At Advanced Endometriosis Center, our team of women’s health experts, which is led by Ulas Bozdogan, MD, specializes in reproductive health issues, and more specifically, endometriosis. While we always do everything in our power to resolve women’s struggles without resorting to a hysterectomy, there are times when this course of action is the best way for a woman to regain control of her health.

If you’ve decided that a hysterectomy is the best path forward for your unique situation and goals, here’s a look at what you can expect afterward.

Performing a hysterectomy

There are many approaches to a hysterectomy in terms of which organs we remove. In some cases, we only need to remove the uterus, while in others we may also remove the cervix and other reproductive organs, such as the ovaries.

Whether we’re performing a total hysterectomy or a partial procedure, the good news is that Dr. Bozdogan excels in using the most advanced surgical techniques available, namely the da Vinci® surgical robotic system.

With da Vinci assistance, we’re able to combine the best of two worlds: robotic precision and accuracy along with human experience.

Of the many benefits of robot-assisted hysterectomies is the fact that we perform the procedure laparoscopically, which means we only need to make very small incisions to complete the work. In doing this, we’re able to improve your recovery process, since there’s minimal collateral tissue damage and blood loss, which decreases your risk for infection and speeds up the healing process.

The recovery process

You should expect to spend the night in the hospital after your procedure and, should everything check out, we’ll send you home the next day with complete aftercare instructions.

In most cases, we’ll ask that you take it easy for a few weeks following your hysterectomy and slowly return to your normal activity level as you improve. Of course, we’ll be with you every step of the way, and we’ll let you know when you can add activities, such as work, exercise, and more.

During this time, you should pay close attention to your body and report any worrisome signs, such as persistent redness or soreness around your incision sites. If we perform your hysterectomy vaginally, there will be less cause for concern in this area.

The long-term consequences of a hysterectomy

One of the biggest consequences of a hysterectomy is that you will no longer menstruate, which is likely the goal in the first place. With the absence of your uterus, your endometriosis will resolve itself quickly, and you should no longer suffer painful and abnormal periods.

If we remove your ovaries, you should expect to enter menopause, which will likely come with side effects as your estrogen and progesterone levels decline. We’ll be ready to address any side effects as they arise.

One issue you should be on the lookout for is pelvic organ prolapse. Without the support of your uterus, other organs can shift out of place, such as your bowels or bladder. To offset this risk, we recommend that you strengthen your pelvic floor through these exercises

If you have more questions about what to expect when it comes to life after a hysterectomy, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today.

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