The Advantages of Robotic Myomectomy to Remove Uterine Fibroids

Although usually benign, uterine fibroids can wreak havoc on your insides. If your symptoms are bad enough to interfere with your life and stop you from engaging in your favorite activities, you may need to have your fibroids removed surgically.

And if you live in or around Hackensack, New Jersey, or Midtown West in New York City, you have access to one of the field’s top specialists. Dr. Ulas Bozdogan at the Advanced Endometriosis Center performs your myomectomy (fibroid removal) with the most advanced da Vinci® robotic technology in our state-of-the-art facilities. Here are the advantages of choosing Dr. Bozdogan for your robotic-assisted myomectomy.

1. More precise removal

Fibroids are unpredictable. These benign tumors can grow inside or outside your uterus and can range in size from very small to grapefruit-sized. If you need surgery to remove them, traditional open surgery has been the long-accepted procedure.

However, Dr. Bozdogan is highly skilled with the new technology of robotic-assisted surgery, which allows him to access the smaller, difficult-to-access tumors with precision.

2. Cameras for better visibility

Robotic-assisted surgery involves the use of tiny cameras that allow Dr. Bozdogan to see the myomas (fibroids) more clearly. The cameras give him an inside view of your abdomen and guide his surgical instruments with unmatched accuracy. 

Using an external controller, Dr. Bozdogan can even remove the fibroid using the robotic instrument.

3. Smaller incisions

Compared with traditional open surgery, robotic-assisted myomectomy requires only a few very small incisions to allow the camera and the surgical tool entry points. This means your scars are much smaller and less noticeable.

4. Shorter recovery time

Open surgery may require months to fully recover, but robotic myomectomies are far less traumatic. With smaller incisions, less tissue damage, and less blood loss, you can expect less pain and a much shorter healing period. Most women feel back to normal in about two or three weeks. 

5. Lower post-surgery risks

Any surgery comes with risks, and robotic-assisted myomectomies do too. For instance, all surgeries carry the possibility of excess bleeding, infection, or adverse reaction to anesthesia. However, because this procedure is less invasive and shorter, your risks are greatly reduced. 

Do you need a myomectomy?

Only a medical doctor, like Dr. Bozdogan, can determine whether a myomectomy is necessary. There are three main conditions that will factor into his diagnosis: where your fibroids are located, how big they are, and whether they’re causing you pain or disability. 

If your symptoms are severe, surgical removal of your fibroids can give you immediate relief from the pain, pressure, and heavy periods. If you need a myomectomy, you’re in good hands with Dr. Bozdogan and our expert team. Call us at either of our convenient locations or request an appointment online using our booking tool. 

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