Why a Robotic Hysterectomy is Such a Great Option

Why a Robotic Hysterectomy is Such a Great Option

You thought long and hard before you decided that a hysterectomy is your best option for achieving optimal health and wellness. With that decision made, we want you to know that you’re in very capable hands — both human and robot.

At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan is a leading expert in the use of advanced robotic surgical technologies for performing gynecologic procedures, including hysterectomies.

Surgeons perform about 400,000 hysterectomies in the United States each year, and more — including our own Dr. Bozdogan — are turning to minimally invasive robot-assisted procedures, because they offer great outcomes for patients. Here’s why.

The perfect blend

You might assume that when we refer to robotic technology, there’s a robot rolling around the surgery room performing your surgery. This is not the case.

We use a system called daVinci®. With this system, Dr. Bozdogan is at a console, and he controls the robotic arms that are doing the work. These arms are under his control every step of the way, and they never act without his guidance. 

What this technology allows us to do is to blend invaluable human experience with robotic precision. More specifically, Dr. Bozdogan guides the robotic arms, which can make more accurate movements in smaller spaces than a human can do with their hands. As well, these robotic arms are more stable than human hands.

A better view

Another way in which our robot-assisted technology improves upon the human experience is that we use a high definition 3-D camera, which sends real time images to Dr. Bozdogan at the console. These images are superior to what surgeons can see with the naked eye, because we can enlarge the images up to 15 times to provide far more detail.

Using these real-time images, Dr. Bozdogan is better able to guide the arms to perform the necessary work without unnecessarily disturbing neighboring tissues.

A minimally invasive approach is often the best

Traditionally, hysterectomies required a large abdominal incision that cut through muscles and other tissues, making recovery longer and more uncomfortable.

With our daVinci robot-assisted hysterectomy, Dr. Bozdogan only makes incisions that are 1.5-2 inches long. Not only does this mean less collateral damage during your hysterectomy, the smaller incisions offer the following benefits:

Not to mention, we can often send you home on the same day as your surgery, saving you from spending time in the hospital.

If you have more questions about your hysterectomy or about our robot-assisted daVinci technology, we’d be happy to sit down with you to make sure you understand the procedure, from start to finish.

To get started, please book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today. We have locations in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey.

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