Why Endometriosis Surgery Can Fail

Why Endometriosis Surgery Can Fail

Surgery is a decision no one takes lightly, but the thought of solving an ongoing medical problem far outweighs your concerns. In the case of surgery for endometriosis, the procedure is often highly successful, but there are no guarantees, especially when we’re up against a formidable foe like endometriosis.

At Advanced Endometriosis Center, with locations in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, and our team are leading experts in the field of endometriosis surgery. 

We use the latest technologies and surgical techniques available, including the state-of-the-art da Vinci® system. However, even with expert knowledge, extensive experience, and advanced technology, there are times when endometriosis surgery can fail to meet your goals. We discuss why this failure can occur here.

Endometriosis is a powerful enemy

As you are all too aware, endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue — which normally lines the inside of your uterus — grows outside of your uterus. What this simple explanation doesn’t encompass, however, is that this tissue, like all tissue in your body, fights for survival, even though it doesn’t belong outside of your uterus.

Since this endometrial tissue is displaced, it needs an alternative “host,” which can cause it to drape over, and attach to, organs outside of your uterus, such as your fallopian tubes, ovaries, the outside of your uterus, your bowels, and even up into your abdomen.

Like a domino effect, these organs view these endometrial implants as invaders, and the organs fight to rid themselves of the foreign tissues, which can cause an inflammatory response.

The active endometrial tissue is tough, though, and it can invade the tissues, the glands, and other important areas of neighboring organs, sometimes altering their anatomy and function.

The purpose of endometriosis surgery

If you’re encountering issues with fertility — 30-50% of women with infertility have endometriosis —  or if your endometriosis is causing you great discomfort, surgery can be a very useful tool.

By using laparoscopic techniques, we can first gain visual access to the tissues and organs outside of your uterus to determine the extent of your endometriosis, which can range from mild to severe.

Once we have a clearer picture, we use our advanced da Vinci robotic system to remove the problematic implants, carefully avoiding damaging the tissues or organs to which the implants have attached themselves.

In a large number of cases, we’re able to restore a woman’s ability to become pregnant, as we free up her reproductive organs. As well, if pain relief is your goal, we’re often able to accomplish this objective by removing the problematic implants.

Why endometriosis surgery can fail

There are times when endometriosis can prove highly resilient and invade your tissues again after surgery. It’s impossible for us to predict whether that might happen to you, but this is always a risk.

Should this happen, you may be able to undergo a second surgery, but your chances for fertility restoration start to diminish at this point. For this reason, it’s important to take advantage of the period after the original surgery to pursue your pregnancy.

While chances of a successful surgery are usually good, if your endometriosis comes back, we can discuss your options and help chart a path forward. No matter what happens, we’re with you every step of the way. 

If you have more questions about surgery for endometriosis, we can help. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today.

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