Why Surgery for Fibroid Removal is Getting Better

Why Surgery for Fibroid Removal is Getting Better

Up to 80% of women develop uterine fibroids during their reproductive years, and most of the time they don’t cause problems. However, for many women, fibroids are a source of frustration and agony.

Infertility, pain, pregnancy problems, and urinary issues are just a few of the complications that can develop due to problematic fibroids. However, the story doesn’t end here.

Fibroid removal surgery, or myomectomy, has helped many women get relief. Furthermore, this treatment has improved by leaps and bounds over the past two decades thanks to advances in surgical technology.

At the forefront of this movement is Dr. Ulas Bozdogan of Advanced Endometriosis Center, who has become one of the industry leaders in minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgery.

Here, we explore why robotic-assisted surgery excels in fibroid removal.

The problem with fibroids

Uterine fibroids can invade your uterus in many ways. They can grow within the walls and within the muscles, deeply embedding themselves in your tissues.

As they grow, they can enlarge your uterus, even up to the size of a third-trimester uterus. While fibroids can enlarge your uterus, they can also change its shape as they grow.

The word we want to draw your attention to is “grow.” Fibroids grow in layers and, as the layers build, they can involve your uterus in increasingly complex ways.

The problem with removing fibroids

As a result of the complex involvement that fibroids can have on your uterus, removing these growths can be tricky. Often, we need to peel back the layers of the growths, all while keeping the integrity of your uterus intact and your uterine lining unharmed.

If your uterus has been enlarged by the fibroids, we need to restore its size without affecting the organ’s ability to accommodate and nurture an embryo.

Often, the goal of a myectomy is to improve fertility, so any surgery we perform on your uterus has that goal top of mind, which can make the surgery extremely difficult.

Problems solved with robotic-assisted myomectomy

Thanks to the advanced daVinci® robotic surgery system, the challenges of removing uterine fibroids are greatly diminished.

With our daVinci system, we only need to make very small incisions in your abdomen, through which we guide a camera and robotic arms. Dr. Bozdogan then sits at a console with a high-definition monitor that provides him an excellent visual of your uterus.

From there, Dr. Bozdogan guides the robotic arms to remove the problematic fibroid, layer by layer, with a precision and accuracy that even the most skilled and experienced hands are unable to achieve.

This ability to work slowly and methodically, without the element of human fatigue, allows us to perform complex myomectomies that increase your chances of a successful outcome. Furthermore this minimally invasive approach allows for faster healing and less downtime than would be possible with an open surgery.

To learn more about the advantages of robotic-assisted fibroid removal, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Endometriosis Center today. We have offices in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey.

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