Blog Archive

4 Signs of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Oct 9th, 2024

It’s always good when your internal organs are in their proper places, giving them space to do what they do without interference from neighboring structures. With pelvic organ prolapse (POP), the opposite is happening — organs in your pelvis shift downward due to a loss of support in your pelvic...

When Is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Cause for Concern? Sep 17th, 2024

We’re here to discuss abnormal menstrual bleeding, which means something isn’t right. And when something isn’t right, it does warrant some concern or, at the very least, further investigation. So, if you're dealing with menstrual cycles and periods that aren’t routine or normal, you’ve come to the right place to...

Pregnancy After a Myomectomy: Why a C-Section Delivery Is Likely Aug 1st, 2024

Up to 80% of women get uterine fibroids — benign growths in the uterus — and a small fraction of those fibroids can lead to big problems. Pelvic pain, heavy periods, and pregnancy complications are just a few of the potential side effects associated with problematic fibroids. Our ability to...

Neuropelveology: A New Frontier in Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain Jul 1st, 2024

The numbers surrounding pelvic pain in women are eye-opening — the global rates of chronic pelvic pain among women in their reproductive years fall somewhere between 14-32%.  Not only are the high numbers of women who are dealing with pelvic pain concerning, but identifying the source of the pelvic pain...

7 Reasons a Hysterectomy Might Make Sense Jun 5th, 2024

You’ve been dealing with painful and messy periods for as long as you can remember, and you’re tired of the monthly battle. Or, maybe your uterus has shifted out of position, and it’s creating functional issues. Whatever’s going on, your uterus may have become more of a liability than an...

Can Endometriosis Be Prevented? May 2nd, 2024

Any time you can step in and prevent a health care issue from developing is a step well worth taking. Unfortunately, this can’t be applied to endometriosis, which affects millions of women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States. While endometriosis can't be prevented, there’s much...

Can a Myomectomy (Fibroid Removal) Put an End to Painful Periods? Apr 4th, 2024

You look at the calendar and realize your period is coming up soon and you prepare for another week-long battle against pain and heavy bleeding thanks to uterine fibroids.  More than half of pre-menopausal women in the United States have at least one of these growths in their uterus. For...

When Are Ovarian Cysts a Problem? Mar 14th, 2024

Often, when we hear the word cyst, we assume it’s something bad, but that isn’t always the case. Take ovarian cysts, for example, which are part and parcel of ovulation, and most women develop these small sacs with each menstrual cycle. While these cysts don’t typically pose problems, about 8%...

When Is a Hysterectomy the Best Treatment Option for Uterine Fibroids? Feb 2nd, 2024

It might surprise you to learn that up to 80% of women develop uterine fibroids during their reproductive years. Since you’re reading this, the piece of the puzzle that probably doesn’t come as a surprise is the fact that these growths can become problematic. If you’re dealing with troublesome uterine...

Is there a Genetic Link to Uterine Fibroids? Jan 12th, 2024

Uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus, are a common concern for many women. These growths, varying in size and number, typically form during childbearing years and can lead to pain, heavy periods, and fertility issues. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with fibroids, you may question...

Helping Your Teen Understand Her Fibroid Diagnosis Dec 1st, 2023

Dealing with a fibroid diagnosis 一 and the resulting unpleasant symptoms, such as pain, heavy periods, and bloating 一 can be overwhelming, especially for a teenager.  Dr. Ulas Bozdogan and our team here at Advanced Endometriosis Center can diagnose and treats fibroids in teens, but we also know as a...

5 Reasons Why Intercourse Can Be Painful for Women Nov 3rd, 2023

Dyspareunia. This is the medical term for what is a very common problem — painful intercourse. In fact, nearly 3 out of 4 women report some experience with painful sex during their lives. Fortunately, the issue is often temporary. For others, however, dyspareunia is an ongoing problem that has no...

Endometriosis May Not Be Obvious, At First Oct 2nd, 2023

Despite being one of the most common gynecologic issues in women — affecting up to 11% of women ages 15-44 — endometriosis is also one of the most commonly missed and misdiagnosed issues. As our name suggests, the team here at Advanced Endometriosis Center has devoted our practice to helping women...

What Are the Different Types of Incontinence (and Why It's Important to Know)? Sep 1st, 2023

Urinary incontinence isn’t exactly a common topic of conversation, so you may be surprised to learn that more than 25 million adults in the United States have temporary or chronic urinary control issues, with women outpacing men 2 to 1. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, women’s health expert Dr. Ulas Bozdogan wants to make one point clear: Urinary...

Could My Heavy Bleeding Be Caused By Adenomyosis? Aug 1st, 2023

There are a number of roads that can lead to abnormal bleeding, and a condition called adenomyosis certainly makes this list. If your periods are heavy, prolonged, and painful, it’s very much worth exploring whether adenomyosis is to blame. To get you started, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan and the team here at Advanced Endometriosis Center thought...

Why a Robotic Hysterectomy is Such a Great Option Jul 13th, 2023

You thought long and hard before you decided that a hysterectomy is your best option for achieving optimal health and wellness. With that decision made, we want you to know that you’re in very capable hands — both human and robot. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan is a...

How to Know if You Have Fibroids Jun 1st, 2023

If you’re a woman, especially one who is in her 40s or early 50s, the odds are fairly good that you have a fibroid or two in your uterus. These growths affect up to 80% of women and, for most, the benign growths are small and in a location that isn’t problematic....

Why Are My Periods So Heavy? May 1st, 2023

You’re envious of friends who cycle through their periods without batting an eye while you’re stuck with heavy bleeding that’s more than a minor inconvenience. If heavy periods hijack your life every month, it’s time to investigate further. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan and our team understand the many conditions that...

Can Ovarian Cysts Stop Me from Getting Pregnant? Apr 2nd, 2023

Nearly 20% of women ages 15-49 are unable to get pregnant after a year of trying, which is typically how infertility is defined. One cause of the problem can be cysts that develop in or on the ovaries, but it very much depends upon the type of cysts. If you...

Are You at Risk for Developing Fibroids? Mar 2nd, 2023

You may be one of the many women who have uterine fibroids and don’t know it. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that form on your uterus. About 20 to 80% of women will have at least one fibroid by the time they are 50, and many have no symptoms. Women of...

When to Consider Surgery for Endometriosis Pain Feb 2nd, 2023

You’re dealing with pain because of endometriosis, and you want to find the best road to relief. Like millions of women before you — endometriosis affects up to 10% of women in their reproductive years — you’re exploring your options, and you’re wondering about surgery. Well, you’ve come to the...

Why Surgery for Fibroid Removal is Getting Better Jan 6th, 2023

Up to 80% of women develop uterine fibroids during their reproductive years, and most of the time they don’t cause problems. However, for many women, fibroids are a source of frustration and agony. Infertility, pain, pregnancy problems, and urinary issues are just a few of the complications that can develop...

Recovering from a Robotic Hysterectomy: What to Expect Dec 1st, 2022

Each year in the United States, up to half a million women undergo a hysterectomy to resolve reproductive health problems and improve their quality of life. While you’re anxious to get past this health hurdle, you’re wondering how much your life will change after your robotic hysterectomy. To answer this question, the team...

The Link Between Your Urinary Tract and Endometriosis Oct 1st, 2022

Approximately 10% of women in their childbearing years in the United States have endometriosis, a condition in which endometrial tissue forms outside the uterus. This tissue can cause problems in a number of pelvic organs, including your urinary tract. Called urinary tract endometriosis (UTE), the disease only affects about 1% of women with endometriosis,...

What’s Causing Intercourse to Be So Painful? Sep 1st, 2022

You used to enjoy an active and pleasurable sex life, but now it brings only pain and discomfort, and you want answers.  At Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan understands that a healthy sex life is integral to overall wellness. More importantly,...

Are Fibroids a Danger to My Health? Aug 4th, 2022

With a name like uterine fibroid, you might think the condition sounds serious. Fortunately, these growths are mostly benign and usually don’t pose any serious health risks. In fact, up to 70% of women develop uterine fibroids, and many are unaware of their existence. For the minority, however, fibroids can become problematic...

How Does a Robotic Hysterectomy Compare to an Open Hysterectomy? Jul 1st, 2022

Your uterus has become more of a liability than an asset and you’re opting for a hysterectomy to improve your health. While this road to better health does involve surgery, the technique that we use can impact your recovery and outcome. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan has been at the...

The Link Between Perimenopause and Abnormal Bleeding Jun 1st, 2022

Most women pass through menopause in their late 40s and early 50s (the average age is 51), which signals the end of their reproductive years. During the period that leads up to this transition — called perimenopause — the symptoms, and their duration, can vary greatly from one woman to...

I Have Endometriosis, Can I Still Get Pregnant? May 1st, 2022

Let’s start with some good news about pregnancy and endometriosis: 70% of women with mild-to-moderate endometriosis get pregnant without treatment. We want to point out the words “without treatment,” which means that the remaining 30% still have a chance to get pregnant with the right treatment. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, we specialize in...

Endometriosis: How to Make Intimacy Easier Apr 14th, 2022

For the more than 10% of women who suffer from endometriosis in the United States, life can be difficult. From gastrointestinal issues to pain during sex, endometriosis can cast a long shadow. If you’re unable to enjoy intimacy as a result of your endometriosis, the team here at Advanced Endometriosis Center, led by Dr. Ulas...

Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Mar 1st, 2022

Missed periods, facial hair, acne — these are just a few of the signs of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects 1 in 10 women during their childbearing years. In this month’s blog post, the team here at Advanced Endometriosis Center, led by Dr. Ulas Bozdogan, takes a closer look...

How Endometriosis Interferes with Fertility Feb 1st, 2022

Endometriosis affects about 11% of women in the United States during their reproductive years (between the ages of 15 and 44) and the incidence of infertility in this group is considerably heightened. Looking at it from another perspective, 30-50% of women who struggle with infertility also have endometriosis. From either...

9 Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids Jan 1st, 2022

Uterine fibroids may affect up to 80% of women during their reproductive years and the reason why we use the word, “maybe,” is that most of these benign growths pose no issues and go undetected. For those women who do develop symptomatic fibroids, these side effects can range from mild...

5 Common STDs and How They're Treated Dec 1st, 2021

Decades ago, the United States embarked on a mission to raise awareness of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and, more importantly, to explain how to keep from getting infected. Despite these efforts, the prevalence of STDs in the United States broke all-time highs each year from 2014-2019, going from 1.9 million...

Why Endometriosis Surgery Can Fail Nov 14th, 2021

Surgery is a decision no one takes lightly, but the thought of solving an ongoing medical problem far outweighs your concerns. In the case of surgery for endometriosis, the procedure is often highly successful, but there are no guarantees, especially when we’re up against a formidable foe like endometriosis. At...

How do Fibroids Affect Menstruation? Oct 27th, 2021

Are you frequently swapping out your tampons or pads, or are your periods lasting far longer than they used to, or are you experiencing both of these issues? This type of abnormal bleeding can be caused by a number of reproductive issues, including uterine fibroids. While our name — Advanced...

Endometriosis and Your Mental Health Sep 1st, 2021

The symptoms that can develop because of endometriosis read like a list of a woman’s worst nightmares — painful sex, painful periods, infertility, lack of energy. Drag these symptoms out over years and you can see why endometriosis can have an incredibly large impact on your quality of life and...

4 Reproductive Health Issues That Can Cause Pelvic Pain and Bowel Problems Aug 1st, 2021

Your pelvis houses two major systems: your reproductive system and a part of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If something goes awry in one, it can affect the other. This is certainly true of several reproductive problems, which can cause pelvic pain and bowel issues. To help you better identify the...

What You Need to Know About Adenomyosis Jul 1st, 2021

There are many conditions that can affect your uterus, but one of the most prevalent is a condition you may have never heard of: adenomyosis.  In this blog, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, of Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey, explains what adenomyosis is, what its symptoms...

Anatomical Changes that Can Occur When You Have Endometriosis Jun 8th, 2021

Endometriosis affects up to 10% of reproductive-aged women in the United States, causing everything from painful periods to problems with infertility. Not as well-known are the side effects endometriosis can cause in the reproductive, gastrointestinal, and urinary tract systems. Ulas Bozdogan, MD, of Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York City...

Help for Painful, Prolonged Periods May 6th, 2021

From the moment they begin, you learn to adjust to your menstrual cycles, which, in the best of times, presents a minor hassle. In the worst of times, however, your periods can be downright painful and, making matters even more unpleasant, drawn out. At Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York...

What Can I Expect From A Robotic Hysterectomy? Apr 5th, 2021

While some technology is designed to replace the human component entirely, this is certainly not the case when it comes to robotic surgery. This emerging surgical technique is designed to enhance precision and accuracy while preserving invaluable human experience, providing patients with the best of both worlds. At Advanced Endometriosis...

Understanding Uterine Fibroids Mar 1st, 2021

Between 20% and 80% of women in the United States develop uterine fibroids by the time they reach age 50. The reason behind this large range in numbers is that, in most cases, women are unaware of their existence. When uterine fibroids do become symptomatic, the good news is there...

Can I Get Pregnant If I Have Endometriosis? Feb 4th, 2021

The numbers surrounding endometriosis are eye-opening. In the United States, 10-15% of women have the condition, and up to half of women with endometriosis have problems with fertility. While fertility problems clearly exist among women with endometriosis, the condition doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t get pregnant. If you have endometriosis...

Do You Have These 5 Symptoms of Endometriosis? Jan 5th, 2021

Approximately 11% of women ages 15-44 in the United States may be affected by endometriosis. The reason why researchers use the word “may” is because many cases of endometriosis go undiagnosed due to a misunderstanding of the symptoms. To help our patients understand if they may be dealing with endometriosis,...

My Periods Are Painful: Could I Have Endometriosis? Dec 3rd, 2020

From the moment a girl makes her way through puberty, her menstrual cycles begin and only end as she passes through menopause. For the fortunate few, these menstrual cycles come and go each month without any side effects. Unfortunately, 80% of women experience painful periods at some point in their...

Why Do I Need Gynecological Care? Nov 1st, 2020

While men and women share many similarities, their reproductive systems represent a great divide. And these systems cast a wide net over each gender’s health. At Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, and our team have dedicated our practice to helping women...

Life After a Hysterectomy Oct 1st, 2020

Undergoing a hysterectomy is a life-changing event and one that may hold the key to restoring your quality of life. As with any surgery of this kind, there are both short- and long-term consequences, and preparing yourself is always a good idea. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, our team of women’s...

Hormone Therapy as a Treatment for Endometriosis Sep 11th, 2020

Endometriosis is a very common reproductive disorder that affects about one in ten women in the United States during their childbearing years. Unfortunately, the most common complaint when it comes to endometriosis is pain, which can have a serious impact on your quality of life.  If you find yourself among...

Understanding the Different Types of Fibroids (And What to Do About Them) Aug 11th, 2020

Uterine fibroids affect 20-80% of women in their childbearing years. The reason for the wide range in numbers is that many women are unaware of their existence, because fibroids often don’t cause symptoms. When they do make themselves known, however, uterine fibroids can lead to a host of side effects...

The Different Types of Urinary Incontinence and How We Can Help Jul 10th, 2020

The prevalence of urinary incontinence in the United States is much higher than you may think, especially among women. For example, one out of three women report stress urinary incontinence, and nearly 37% of women between the ages of 30 and 45 suffer from overactive bladder (OAB).  At Advanced Endometriosis...

How a Robot-Assisted Myomectomy Works to Relieve the Painful Symptoms of Fibroids Jun 18th, 2020

If you have uterine fibroids, the thought of undergoing invasive surgery may be enough to prevent you from receiving the treatment you need. Ulas Bozdogan, MD, at Advanced Endometriosis Center in New York City and Hackensack, New Jersey, understands this. That’s why he provides minimally invasive and highly effective robot-assisted...

Painful Sex? Extreme Menstrual Cramps? Pelvic Pain? You May Have Endometriosis May 26th, 2020

Experiencing irritation in your pelvic region can be a sign of a number of different conditions. If it gets worse during sex or during your menstrual cycle, there’s a chance you may have endemetriosis. At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, specializes in treating patients who suffer from endometriosis. He...

5 Factors That Put You at Greater Risk of Developing Fibroids Apr 27th, 2020

Fibroids are tumors that form in the uterus, and they develop in 70-80% of all women by the time they’re age 50. Even though fibroids aren’t usually cancerous or life-threatening, they can stop you from getting pregnant and cause other health issues, such as heavy menstrual bleeding. Depending on how...

Advantages of a Robotic Hysterectomy Mar 1st, 2020

A robotic hysterectomy is a precise and safe procedure that uses the latest in medical technology. There are many advantages to robotic hysterectomies as opposed to traditional hysterectomies. Some of them include smaller incisions and quicker recovery time. In this blog, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, at Advanced Endometriosis Center discusses the...

Can I Live With Fibroids? Feb 17th, 2020

Most fibroids ― which are benign tumors that grow in the uterus ― don’t require treatment. In many instances, you may not even know you have one. However, you’ll need to seek treatment if your fibroid causes harmful symptoms.  At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Ulas Bozdogan, MD, specializes in cutting-edge treatments...

I Have a "Frozen Pelvis": Is There Any Hope of Getting Pregnant? Jan 2nd, 2020

Endometriosis affects roughly 1 in 10 women at some point during their lifetime. Of these, 30-50% struggle with infertility, many of them because of “frozen pelvis,” a condition in which reproductive organs and other organs in the abdominal cavity adhere together, causing crippling pain.  At Advanced Endometriosis Center, Dr. Ulas...

The Advantages of Robotic Myomectomy to Remove Uterine Fibroids Dec 4th, 2019

Although usually benign, uterine fibroids can wreak havoc on your insides. If your symptoms are bad enough to interfere with your life and stop you from engaging in your favorite activities, you may need to have your fibroids removed surgically. And if you live in or around Hackensack, New Jersey,...

Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility? Nov 4th, 2019

Endometriosis is a common health issue that affects about 11% of women between the ages of 15 and 44. While not all women who have endometriosis experience infertility, many with the condition often do.  In fact, as many as half of the women with endometriosis will experience infertility. Infertility is...

The Most Common Causes of Pelvic Pain Oct 1st, 2019

Many women experience pelvic pain. Your pain may be short-lived or a source of chronic discomfort that interferes with your everyday life. Because pelvic pain can develop from many sources, it’s not always easy to identify the underlying cause.  At Advanced Endometriosis Center our OB/GYN specialist, Dr. Ulas Bozdogan, is...

Spotting the Warning Signs of Ovarian Cysts Sep 3rd, 2019

An ovarian cyst is a pouch that develops on your ovary, usually filled with fluid. Most ovarian cysts are benign, but they can cause problems if they grow too large or break open.  Here at the Advanced Endometriosis Center, we provide personalized care to each of our patients. Led by...

Understanding the Different Types of Fibroids (And What to Do About Them) Aug 1st, 2019

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that appear in women mostly during their reproductive years. These growths don’t increase your chances of developing cancer, and they’re also quite common, as up to 30% of women have them.  Risk factors for uterine fibroids include being overweight or obese, having...

Should You Consider a Hysterectomy? Jul 18th, 2019

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus and sometimes the cervix. Unless it involves cancer, a hysterectomy is usually only performed after other treatments haven’t worked. The procedure used to involve a large incision in the abdomen, but now it can be performed with a much...

How Endometriosis Impacts Fertility Jun 18th, 2019

Infertility is a difficult issue and one that can cause tremendous tension, stress, and heartbreak. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for about a year with no luck, you may be battling infertility. It’s something you certainly never hoped you would have to experience. When it comes to infertility,...

When Do Fibroids Require Surgery? May 13th, 2019

Fibroids are noncancerous growths found both inside and on the outer surface of the uterus. They can vary in shape, size, number, and location and are seen mostly in women between the ages of 30-40, though they can occur at any age. They can be as small as a seed...

Can Endometriosis really be that dangerous? Apr 17th, 2019

I am Dr. Ulas Bozdogan, and I’m passionate about my specialty, particularly endometriosis and the unfair toll it takes on women. In a previous article (7 Reasons Why Endometriosis is a True Emergency) I explained why I think endometriosis is an emergency. That is, it’s a dire emergency because of...

Why You Should Never Ignore Abnormal Bleeding Apr 1st, 2019

From the moment you pass through puberty, your body is geared toward reproduction, cycling a new egg through each month in the hopes of fertilization. In an ideal world, your menstrual cycle quietly goes about its business, creating a few days of bleeding and discomfort that you tolerate with relative...

7 Reasons Why Endometriosis is a True Emergency Mar 18th, 2019

Endometriosis doesn’t rank very high on the “emergency” list of medical and health problems. No one is calling 9-1-1 for it. This is because it is often an insidious process that becomes evident only after considerable damage has been done. Simply, the glandular tissue of the innermost lining of your...

How Endometriosis Can Affect Your Life and What You Can Do About It Mar 11th, 2019

When you have endometriosis, the cramping discomfort you’ve been told to expect with your periods can grow to a whole new level. The pain typically starts a few days before the onset of your period, but can continue well beyond the time your bleeding stops. The consequences of endometriosis, however,...

6 Endometriosis Imposters That Could Delay a Correct Diagnosis and Wreck Your Future Mar 6th, 2019

Endometriosis is what is called a “surgical” diagnosis. By this is meant that without the use of surgery it can only be suspected; with surgery, however, it can be ruled either in or out definitively, which is important to your fertility and quality of life. Because surgery often is seen...

Endometriosis - the Downside and the Upside Feb 25th, 2019

Is there really an upside to endometriosis? Endometriosis is an unfortunate condition that has gained considerable notoriety—even infamy—as a curse of sorts. Women who have it know all about the downsides: they are living them. Pain, infertility, pelvic organ dysfunction, and even problems with other abdominal organs, such as the...

Myomectomy vs. Hysterectomy Part II: How You Can Navigate this Difficult Dilemma Feb 18th, 2019

In his previous article, “Myomectomy vs. Hysterectomy, Part I: How You Can Be Put into this Difficult Dilemma,” Dr. Bozdogan of Advanced Endometriosis Center discussed the changes in your uterus that could force you into a difficult, life-changing decision. In this article he shows you how to seek your own...

Myomectomy vs. Hysterectomy Part I: How You Can Be Put into this Difficult Dilemma Feb 14th, 2019

A good organ. Your uterus (womb) is an amazing organ, renewing itself as a brand new implantation vehicle for pregnancy every month during your reproductive years. One conception and implantation occurs, it expands from the size of a pear to that of a large pumpkin, with over 500 times its...

Symptoms of Fibroids to Look Out For and How Dr. Bozdogan Can Help Feb 7th, 2019

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that can develop in or on the muscle tissue of your uterus. Fibroids can occur in women of any age, but they happen most commonly in women of childbearing age. Although uterine fibroids are usually not cancerous, having them can lead to some serious complications,...

Endometriosis - When Everything Is Not in Its Place Jan 30th, 2019

The puzzle that is us. We are all “put together” a certain way. Indeed, our physiology is very complex, from the beginning of our existence as a fertilized egg to full adulthood. The number of things that make us—us—seems to be infinite, as researchers are continually discovering new things within...

Endometriosis: One Illness in One Person, but More Than Just One Victim Jan 28th, 2019

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition in which abnormally placed glandular tissue—similar to the lining of your womb—exits outside of your womb. This indicates a presence somewhere else, of course, such as your abdomen and pelvis, and even remotely outside of your abdominal cavity. This is hormonally reactive tissue that is...

Endometriosis: Is It a Quality of Life Emergency? Jan 24th, 2019

The roadmap to happiness. Inherent in the term, “quality of life,” is the concept of satisfaction with life, encompassing health, comfort, and happiness, which is really a roadmap of sorts: Health → Comfort → Happiness. Endometriosis, or abnormally placed glandular tissue similar to the lining of your womb, having no...

Painful Periods: Could It Be Endometriosis? Jan 17th, 2019

Menstrual periods: the right place at the right time. The lining of the uterus (the “womb”) is designed to prepare for an implanted fertilized egg to begin pregnancy. The tissue of this lining is hormonally sensitive and dependent, which allows it to build up or, alternately, be discarded, depending on...

3 Amazing Benefits of a Robotic Hysterectomy Jan 15th, 2019

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes all or part of your uterus, and sometimes your ovaries, cervix, or fallopian tubes. In the past, surgeons performed hysterectomies through large incisions in the abdomen. But now we have surgical techniques that are far less invasive. One of these techniques is robotic...

Why You Should Never Ignore Pelvic Pain Dec 7th, 2018

Pelvic pain is discomfort that occurs in your lower abdominal area below your navel. Many important reproductive organs reside in your pelvic area, including your ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina, as well as your bladder, intestines, and rectum.   Many women experience pelvic pain. For example, your period...

What Are My Treatment Options for Endometriosis? Nov 9th, 2018

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue from inside your uterus grows in places where it doesn’t belong, such as on the outside of your uterus or on your ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, or bowels. Women with endometriosis may face a range of potential symptoms including pelvic pain, heavy...

Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis: What You Need to Know Oct 12th, 2018

Endometriosis is a medical condition caused when the tissue that lines the uterus begins to grow outside the uterus, most commonly on the outside of the uterus or on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or intestines. It affects about 10% of women in the United States. Unfortunately, endometriosis can impact a...

Uterine Fibroids: Understanding All of Your Treatment Options Sep 20th, 2018

Uterine fibroids are benign growths of muscle tissue that can form on the inside or outside of the uterus. Fibroids can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, iron deficiency, pain during sex, low back pain, and enlargement of your lower abdomen.Other problems uterine...

Hysterectomies Have Come Along Way Thanks to Robotic Assistance Aug 31st, 2018

At the Advanced Endometriosis Center, my team and I take plenty of time to explain how robotic-assisted surgery works and why it makes your hysterectomy safer than when it’s performed using other types of surgical techniques.It may seem like something straight out of a futuristic movie, but the truth is...